Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Are You a Believer Now?

Well, I hope you have enough information to reach your own conclusions about stem cell research. What I hope I have made clear over the past few months are these arguments:

1) There are too many forms of research for the scientific community to dwell on one area of research, embryonic. If huge breakthroughs occur with umbilical cord blood, fat cells, and destroyed embryos, the government will have to budge and reconsider its strict policies on embryonic stem cell research.

2) If the United States doesn’t invest more money into stem cell research, we will continue to lose the lead in the medical community we once had over other countries like China and the UK.

3) Cloning to use embryonic stem cells is morally unjust. Donate your own stem cells like you donate your own blood. It should be a choice for the donator.

4) Write senators. There are too many high-ranking government officials who are supporters of stem cell research. Let me them know you agree, and are mad that stem cell research is moving within our country at an embarrassing slow pace.

5) And lastly, now that you’re educated on this matter—though it’s cliché—educate others. Speak out in debates and posit the option of using stem cells.

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