Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm Spiritual NOT Religious

Even though I went to a private school until 9th grade, at home it was expected that I tolerated other viewpoints. In discussions, we had to acknowledge the other side of arguments, and learned that we could not enforce and/or shove our beliefs down anyone else's throat; I wish our current president felt the same.

Because of the pressure received from the Republican Party, in 2001 President Bush announced that "he would support limited federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research." This made furthering stem cell research much more difficult, because stem cells could only be extracted from the “already destroyed embryos” (Lockyer); destroyed embryos are embryos that would never be able to grow into fully functioning humans. I don't understand religous snobbery. Stem cell research has the potential to revolutionize the medical field, opening countless doors to other cures for diseases like AIDS and HIV, yet the majority of research has been severely slowed because of religous beliefs.

What Happened to Separation of Church and State?

Granted one's religous beliefs do effect their values, why should that specific belief effect everyones? It's not right. We should give people information and allow them, trust them, to make up their own minds. I guess I'm one of the few who still believe in freedom of choice.

I personally find the video below very difficult and uncomfortable to watch. It is an example of how federal laws are effecting legislatures around the country. What's even more disturbing though is that his condition could be cured. Here's a great example of how one powerful individual in DC is hurting people 3,000 miles away from himself.


Unknown said...

I agree, yes what did ever happen to separation of church and state? Laws should not be passed according to religious values and beliefs.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you forgot this, but our country was founded on Christian principles. Were you expecting our government to ignore its religious ties? Maybe your assumption was a bit naive.