Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Some Interesting Responses

Because I can't always catch grammmatical errors, I have had a few of my friends proof read my past posts. One of them, who prefers to remain nameless, asked me this question after reading my last blog, "If embryos aren't technically fetuses, which makes them not human, why can't we use all of them for research?" My response to him was basically a reiteration of my past blogs, "conservatives and religous organizations feel it's inhumane, so they have restricted the amount of embryos availabe." He then said this, "Well I guess that's okay. Humans--especially Americans--tend to do things not in moderation." I think he's got a point.

Humans should not be bred to aid the lives of the powerful reducing the value of human life and making them commodities or prized possessions. This is why we need the government to regulate growing human/fetal farms, not restricting the use of already existing embryos. Yes, I agree that humans do tend to drain all resources to ensure their own survival, a “survival of the fittest” mentality. But if we can create laws controling this field, everyone's worries can be avoided. It's not like you or I can go home into our laboratory and conduct stem-cell research. We would need specific equipment that is found in certain facilities. Is the government worried that stem cells will be sold on the black market? What's really the issue here? Oh wait, I know this answer. Religion.

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