Before I dive into why Loretta Sanchez supports stem cell research, I want to cover something I was not recently aware of. In addition to Bush only allowing stem cell researchers to use damaged embryos, he has limited the supply of embryos available to those stem cell lines that existed when President Bush issued an executive order on August 9, 2001. So, stem cells that were made available after that date cannot be used. Way to abuse your power.
Sanchez is taking her support a step further than other congressmen and senators, and is actually working on a bill called The DeGette-Castle Stem Cell Research Bill. The bill only authorizes the use of stem cell lines generated from embryos that would otherwise be discarded by fertility clinics. Furthermore, the bill includes stronger ethical guidelines than the President’s current policy--something Conservatives should find soothing but overlook.
Did I mention yet that 72% of Americans support this BIPARTISAN bill. That's right, democrats and republicans are actually agreeing. Additionally, almost 3/4 of Americans want to see this bill put into action.
Here's a short list of other congressmen who support stem cell research I compiled in litterally a few minutes; without question, there are more supporters than this. I just wanted to show the positions these officials occupy.
California's Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Majority Whip James E. Clyburn
Sen. Majority Leader Bill Fris
Sen. John Kerry,
Representative Roscoe Bartlett
These are key power players in the government, and they can't even persuade our president. Sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting my time.
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