Thursday, November 8, 2007

Plans to Build the New Jersey Stem Cell Facility are Now Slowed

A few weeks ago New Jersey announced to the world that it was going to be building the first facility dedicated entirely to stem cell research in the country. At that time, the state believed that the public would without question be in favor of passing the initiative, but as we found out on Tuesday November 6th, that is not the case.

Though it was close, the state failed to persuade the majority of the public losing in the polls 53% to 47%. They needed 4% more. Does this mean the state is going to back down? Hell no. Instead, the state is going to hold meetings with pharmaceutical companies and get them to finance the remaining $450 million.

This is the kind of persistence I wish we all had. Why back down because of one shortcoming, because of one rock in the road, especially when New Jersey had 47% of its voters support the measure. This is the beginning of a change, and hopefully New Jersey will be a leader in this medical revolution.

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